Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Recession As I See It

I always wonder if I’ll feel the recession if I had stayed in my ‘salaried and pensionable’ job and not given it up to chase a dream. Well, maybe I’d be able to buy more games for my son without thinking about the cost, or keep up with our regular Friday treat of eating out.

For a while, my events management business was going well, with parties organised and catered nearly every weekend. People spent a lot on the ultimate party – weddings, birthdays, confirmations, opening the envelope, you name it. When the recession began, people were not sure about what was going on. Everything came to a standstill for nearly a year. My bookings almost dried up. Then I think people adjusted, accepting that the recession was here to stay. Life continued and I started getting busy again.

Saturday, October 30, 2010



My name is Foluso. I am a post graduate student of Dublin City University. My study area is Electronic Commerce in Business. As part of my course, I am volunteering few hours every Saturday with the Intergenerational Learning Project. This is a DCU community initiative where older 'students' living in the community are brought back to the College to learn computer skills such as using office packages, internet, blogging,etc